Hello there and Happy New Year!
I haven’t been blogging at all for a very long time, (see below) and decided with the New Year (New Decade) that I had better try to update my presence here. (or else I may have to go to blog slacking bootcamp). Since a blog has no word limitations I can ramble here in more detail than with facebook and twitter.
And, in just this short time (well, I guess that is relative) my last entry questioning whether facebook will devolve into the myspace cemetery is certainly quite moot. Old news today, but, yesterday, it was announced that its value is now at 50 billion, yes 50 billion. It is close to topping Time Warner, the largest media conglomerate in the world. Goldman and a Russian billionaire have invested sizable monies to further its continued growth. The Social Network is in the running for an Academy Award, Mark Zuckerberg was named Time Magazine’s 2010 Man of the Year and he gave 100 million to the mayor of Newark and smiled about it on Oprah.
No burials yet and highly unlikely anytime soon. And an IPO will be offered eventually.
I do think though, that my addiction to Facebook (good, bad or indifferent) is probably not too healthy and may require some intervention. Just kidding. I quit cigarettes (a long time ago) and alcohol (for health not addiction reasons)so I know that I don’t need intervention, just motivation and willpower.
I do however, have a burning desire to have just one venue to check in with and to blabber away on and want them all linked but because of the idiosyncrasies in each, I may just have to continue to be in all places all the time: Attached/addicted and wired like the rest of us 24/7.
And, then, there is always linkedin, ping/pong/bing/bang and to the moon. Oh dear.
I don’t think my wish to wean myself in this decade is realistic or a viable financial option. NO presence, no options/no work/no business/no voice/no nada.
Off to tweet. (which IS linked to my FACEBOOK). I still need a few ghostwriters and social media elves to make all of this run professionally and smoothly.
Praise be raised …. complain… remain … (thanks Goldie). 🙂