Talks about returning her $150,000 new wardrobe funded by the RNC and returning to shopping at her “favorite consignment shop” in Anchorage, Alaska along with her $30 wedding ring that she bought herself so she can repair her reputation and think about her OWN future during the final dying days of the election campaign.
“Spreading the wealth” is being miscontrued as “socialism,” by Miss Rogue.
What was John McCain thinking? He wasn’t. He has NO judgment and can’t speak with realism about the future because he may very well not be here.
Sarah Palin is the NOT the woman in the White House who represents qualified, intelligent women in politics or in America and does more harm than good for women with brains and ambition who want and have worked for equality.
The future of America cannot be placed into the hands of the ROGUE DIVA whose foreign policy will be executed with a wink and who will vote to overturn ROE vs. WADE.